A test to see how well Google Translator actually works. The text below are translated from Norwegian.
Episode 2. Fat City
Carrie has taken on brudekjolen and sit and blues
Fat City

Carrie has taken on brudekjolen and sit and blues
Doug Arthur shows a picture of Carrie mother. It turns out that she was a real "pound", and Arthur says that all the ladies in the family tend to add substantially when they are older. It makes Doug concerned, and even if he Deacon warns against it, he takes "weight issues" with Carrie. First, she is furious, as she tries to go on diet, before she goes into a depression
Doug also obtain Deacon problems because Doug tells Carrie that also Deacon wife Kelly is struggling with the instrument, and Carrie sladrer to Kelly.
Doug speaks with Carrie sister Sara about the problems he has created, but he only even more worried because she mentions something about the problems in bed, and Doug believe the case he said.
Doug come home and find Carrie in brudekjolen, tilgriset of food, he speaks to her and convince her that she does not need any slankekur